Cleaning sucks! Can I get an amen? But… (just like with DIY projects) if you use the right tools and the best cleaning products, it makes the work a little less well… sucky. Strangely, I do tend to get excited about spring cleaning every year. Am I excited about cleaning a toilet? No. I’m not […]
Craft Organization
Do you have a special place that you allocate for craft supplies? Organizing craft supplies together in one dedicated space is a luxury many don’t have. In this post, I will share a small walk-in closet makeover. What starts out as a game closet will end as a craft/gift wrap storage space. I will give […]
Organizing a Kid’s Bedroom
Do you have kids? if so, you know they have a lot of stuff and it can get out of hand fast. Organizing a kid’s bedroom can seem daunting whether it’s a boy or a girl. I don’t believe one sex is more organized than the other. Their STUFF depends on their interests, not their […]
Ways to Save
Prices are definitely going up and this time of year is expensive as it is. Sometimes we have to be resourceful when we want to save on goods and services. In this post, I’ll share five creative and easy ways to save money without cramping your lifestyle. Saving Money on Food- Buffet in the Fridge […]
About Me
Hi and welcome to my blog, Seeking Small Wins. I am so happy to share with you all things geared toward making life a little easier. The smallest tweaks to our habits or surroundings can add value to our lives and often save us frustration. This blog is dedicated to sharing hints, hacks, and tips […]